Monday, July 28, 2014

Zuzka's KB Workout #3, Drake's Workout, BR's Day 20 and My Own HardCore Kettlebell Workout!

Rainy day here today, so got some time to write up a post.

Zuzka posted her KB#3 workout which wasn't half bad - just not long enough for my taste.
Drake's band workouts are just ok as well - gives you some good ideas on how to incorporate using bands into a workout, but the routine themselves are too short for me.
People keep asking which bands he is using and which ones Zuzka recommends, and once again - no response!!! OR none that I could find. I like how his band has handles that clip on and off.
BR's Day 20 challenge was another disappointer in my opinion.
A great warm up perhaps, and great yoga routine to add into a yoga practice, but not enough of a workout in itself - especially coming off of a rest day.
Why do they always stick Rita with the "lesser" of the workouts and dress her so funny?!
Now I'm just mentioning my opinion and I think a lot of people have been disappointed by the workouts except for beginners or people not looking for such intensity.
I think a lot of us long time followers are looking for an expecting a certain level of intensity and finding them both coming up short.
Both sites have some great ideas for workouts, and many of them can be put together for a great overall one hour workout. Use Rita's yoga one as a warm up, add in one of Zuzka's KB workouts, one of BR's upper and lower body workouts, and there you have it. I wouldn't normally recommend doing all of that, but because the intensity level has come down, I think you could mix these all up for a great routine.

So without further ado, here is my own KB workout for you guys to try. It took me an hour with a warm up, and cool down, and one diaper change and lost dolly interruption. LOL.

3-5 rounds of the following exercises depending on your fitness level and how long you want your workout to be. ALL of the exercises can be done with a dumbbell as well, or get yourself a KB here.
These are great quality KB's and the cheapest on the market that can be delivered right to your front door.

I used a 40 LB KB.

8 one handed swings each arm
8 cleans from the floor each side
8 push presses (each side or I only did 4 each side as I have VERY cranky shoulders, three times in PT and 2 cortisone shots so I don't like to push it too hard on my shoulders)
8 single leg deadlifts each side
8 back rows each side
8 deadlifts into goblet squat
8 weighted hip thrusters with a 10 second hold at the top of each rep

Give it a shot and let me know how you did!


  1. Wow, I'm impressed at your use of a 40 lb kettleball... I'm just getting back into using weights; 25 is challenging for me --- meh, but thank goodness for progress. I'm looking forward to trying your workout tomorrow morning.

    I just came back from vacation; before that I did days 1-5 of BR's Transformer challenge and it was okay... I started again as of yesterday and don't find it to be enough for my training. I find myself adding high knees in between each exercise for cardio and even then adding additional strength/cardio work to feel "satiated" as it were. I realize that BR is getting newer viewers every day, but still, the routines are not as up to par as they used to be in the beginning.

    1. Tx Lindsey! I've been using KBs for a while now so I'm used to them. Ask me to bike or run and I'd be sucking wind. Lol. Lmk how the workout goes for you. And yep, lots of people seem to need to add on to BRs workouts and Zuzka's
