Friday, July 25, 2014

Zuzka's Gonna be in NYC, Day 18 and Healthy Advice for Next Week!

Since I am leaving for vacation today (Friday), I  am posting the
a few days early. ENJOY! And as always, leave me feedback. :)

Zuzka posted another Fashion Haul (and YUK did not like this one and I personally do NOT like hats at all, but that's just me)! I like her Fashion Hauls that pertain to fitness only. She mentioned she is going to be in NYC and looks like some people might meet up in Times Square? I wonder if it will actually happen.
She posted a couple of pics I like:

 Loving her pants in the pic. But no mention yet of what brand they are. I wonder if they are Lorna Jane?
OK, and below, how FREAKING cute is this?!?!? I LOVE it!

I just gone done watching Day 18 from BR with Sean. More of the same old stuff of jumping around, Burpee variations, sandbag twists. I think their challenges should be more of specific exercises you try to get better at as the days go on. Squat deeper, more weight, push ups off your knees and the like.
I am kinds tired of the burpee tuck jump, touch your toe, knee tuck, kick out, etc, etc.
It looks like a good enough workout, but I think you get my drift.

Enjoy your weekend. Hopefully I can get online during vacation! :)


  1. That is SUCH a cute baby!!!

    And yeah, their challenge hasn't interested me at all outside the first 3 days. Which is the same thing with the 21 day challenge. It was interesting, but they kept decreasing the time and made it more of a 12 minute challenge rather than the first 40 minute video.

    And have fun on your vacation!

  2. Enjoy your vacation Gina! I am sure it is well deserved. You will be missed. AMinnow, I agree, their Transformer Challenge is very uninteresting. The name itself is cheesy and discouraged me from the beginning to even check it out. The 30 day real time challenge is the one challenge I truly enjoyed. The workouts are of a descent length, and the burnouts were included. Lisa was, in my opinion, a very enjoyable person to train with and kept me encouraged the entire time, which is a challenge all in itself. As far as the 21 day challenge, it was OK, but I also felt the workouts were too short. I also hated how the burnouts were no longer included. As a substitution, I used Tone it Up routines to get more strength training added. I enjoy Tone it Up a great deal! I just wish they did not expect everyone to workout twice in the same day as that just is not a possibility for all of us. Although, if I had the chance, I am sure their program alone would be more than effective! The website is super cute and easy to navigate which is a plus, and EVERYTHING is free.

  3. Ok, one more comment and I am done for the day. "Addict" in the name of the blog is correct in my case!!! So, I am not sure I like Zuzana and her fashion hauls. I wish she would just focus on fitness and nutrition advice, which I think she does wonderfully. But in my opinion, fashion sense or good taste in clothing is not her forte. If I had her body, you would not see me wearing baggy pants and boyfriend jeans.
    Perhaps I am too matchy matchy, but I don't like her fashion choices at all. One thing I think she is really good at is interior designing. I have always loved the way she decorated her homes and I believe she has a true talent to make any space feel homey and warm. I like that she shares suggestions on how to use details such as candles, scents, etc. to make any place, regardless of budget, feel comfy. However, I feel as though she is trying too fast to become some sort of guru, a know it all. And sometimes that can backfire as it can make you look less of an expert on a specific area. It becomes distracting. Just my two cents!

  4. Pecolini, I completely agree that the 30 day RTC was the best one! My only complaint was that sometimes it was full body every day, and I need more rest days. But not to the extreme that BR is doing right now! Every time I go on the site, it's another rest day.

    I just use Loving Fit, and I've been getting great results! And belly dancing for rest days or hiking.

    And I love the way she designed her house for both BR and her new house!

    And I agree about the guru thing. Just by knowing what I know about her diet, I wouldn't put her as a guru at all!

    I think her style has gotten more relaxed since being with Freddy. She would always dress pretty sexy, but now she can go out with tank tops and jeans and she's comfortable. I remember one post where she was showing off her bra.

  5. I like her workout outfits, but feel she doesn't generally pick the best style for regular clothing. She wears stuff that is too baggy. One outfit I LOVED on her was the white pants and striped shirt (the 'going sailing' look). It was so cute.
