Friday, March 7, 2014

We're Really Excited To Train With You:'s Bootcamp Starts Mar 24th

So did any of you see this on BR's FB page? Now I know they use all sorts of questionable photos, but this is really overboard.
I don't like it. It's one thing to show body parts to motivate you to get you off your arse and workout, but this message is just - different. This is too sexual - in my opinion of course. There were tons of comments about the question-ability of using this photo.
But this is what BR does. I remember saying that Zuzana wanted to get away from all these images that BR portrayed, and especially the ones of her in sexual positions.
Her pics are much more subdued than her BR days. Lisa however seems to have no problem whatsoever getting as naked as possibly allowed without being a porn site. I swear sometimes I can see her nipple(s) peaking out of her tops. This is classless to me - not sexy. And regardless of all that, Lisa IS growing on me as a trainer. She clearly loves what she does, even if she is mentally unstable about her own looks (anyone who goes under the knife by choice FIVE times cannot be right in the head)!
I read on her FB page that she filmed day 1 today of the bootcamp challenge. She had a video that went along with it - a coffee talk video, but I didn't listen to it. I don't enjoy her rants - or Zuzana's for that matter either, but she is usually a woman of less words.

But take a look at Lisa's face. I'm sorry to pick on her again, but honestly, what is wrong with this woman? She must like mannequins as her ideal body/face image. Again - she can't be right in the head! Her fake eyelashes, the tattooed eyebrows, the overly injected lips. Her mouth even looks funny when she talks. It's disturbing.

Compare her to when she first started with BR and how much better she used to look as - herself!

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