Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Best ZWOW Ever - #100, and one of my favorite posts by, Zuzana on! And Nutrition Guide Review

Lots of good stuff for the New Year!

Zuzka posted ZWOW 100 for FREE. Gotta love that. Good idea on her behalf - a way to get people who are on the fence to join her ZGym.

What a great workout too. Did it in 13:10. Really, really liked this workout - a good mix of upper and body exercises, core exercises and cardio effect in there too. Add in some pull ups, deadlifts and glute bridges and this is perfect complete workout for me. :)
I have noticed comments on various blogs, and on Facebook that many people add stuff to Zuzka's workouts. Or do 2 of her workouts, or do it after a run, or add in some yoga etc. I actually don't see too many people who ONLY do her workouts unless, one, they are more of a beginner, two, short on time, or three, looking to get back into shape after a hiatus.
Regardless I think Zuzana inspires others to be fit, and that's what it all boils down to - correct? or posted an AWESOME blog article about pyramid workouts. I cannot wait to try some of these. They look fantastic. I have done the CrossFit one they mention and it takes about 25-30 min and it a great workout. Some of the others I have never tried and look forward to it!

This is one of the best blog posts and workouts I have seen through them in a while.

WEIRD THOUGH - this post has an old workout posted with Zuzana!!!! I cannot believe it. I never would have thought they would have done that.
I remember this workout being very tough and one of my favorites.

Also, I noticed some instagram pics from Lisa from - New Year's Eve maybe? God, she looks so ODD. Her lips are so fake, her tattooed eyebrows, and her make up. She looks like a mannequin. Yikes!

Nothing about her and Freddy sharing the holidays together, so are we still to assume they have broken up? ODD as well that they are still working together as Zuzana and Freddy certainly could not.

I have been asked to do a review of's Nutrition Guide. I did buy it.

There is nothing in there that I think we all haven't heard or seen before. There is no special info that will suddenly make you lose weight. BUT, there are some fantastic recipes in there. They give you a sample diet that is 1500 or 1800 calories, depending on your goals. It is broken down into 5 or 6 small meal plans.
There is an ask Lisa section, but it only consists of 3 questions!
If you need a plan with recipes to follow this is can be helpful - as well as a half a dozen other calorie counting books out there.  If it was $50 book, I'd say rethink spending your money, but for $10, it's worth it.

Happy New Year everybody! :)


  1. Freddy commented on his FB that they are still together.

  2. Just found this blog, searching about Freddy and Lisa's relationship actually. I think, if they are together, it's weird that Lisa is not hosting the new 30 day challenge anymore. And there hasn't been written anything about her or their lives on the sites or on Facebook. So I'm starting to think something's going on...
    Anyway; great blog! Lots of interesting stuff here :)

    1. Tx Hege! It is weird that Lisa is not doing the challenge. Nothing that bodyrock does these days makes much sense .
