Friday, December 20, 2013

30 Day Challenge and what else is new?

The 30 day challenge from is starting Jan 15th with Lisa, not on Jan 1 as I had originally posted.
I'm curious if Zuzana will have anything new for the New Year? Will have anything for the 1st?
Or the
Other than selling their items for Christmas, I don't see Zuzka or bodyrock doing much of anything new. I thought for the New Year they would both be much more Resolution focused.
Perhaps they will start with that after Christmas is over.
Melissa has her own web-site too as many of you know:
She has a new workout up there that seems great.
I love Melissa. I think her personality is great and her voice is not utterly annoying the way Lisa and Zuzka's are. Both of their voices cut right through me.
But there is something about Melissa's body I just don't like. As fit as she is - I don't know. I can't pin point it. Perhaps because she looks bulky to me.
Anyways, I'm doing my own version of CrossFit's Filthy Fifty tomorrow:

50 Jumping pull ups
50 Kettlebell swings
50 Walking lunges
50 Push Presses
50 Box jumps
50 Back Extensions
50 Jump Tucks
50 Sit ups
50 Competition Burpees

I'm doing jump tucks instead of double unders as I cannot do more than 5 or 6 in a row, and I always whip myself with the jump rope practicing them and it hurts like hell.
I'm skipping the 50 toes to bar as I am working out at home, and well, I have no bar!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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