Friday, January 2, 2015

Zuzka's Guns & Pistols #6, BR's Real Time Stretch Videos, Words from Freddy

Did anyone else think it was a bit odd that Zuzka did a Power yoga workout for New Years Day? I was hoping she would do something new and special for that day. I mean she has been re-filming all old workouts - not really coming up with anything new. I don't mind, because these workouts have been quite good, and I know filming is super hard work, but I was still hoping for a newbie on NY's Day. I felt a little let down actually!

But with that being said I love Guns & Pistols #6. I love tomorrow's jump rope workout too - super for a cash out in my opinion. We've got another yoga workout from her this weekend on the way as well.

The workout for New Years Day was a great one to burn off those extra calories. Lisa DID do those squat jumps with the weighted vest on and holding 40 lb weights. I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. LOL. I think she must have had the bar on her back? Or a sandbag? I can't imagine holding a 20 lb weight in each hand and jumping without dropping the weight or hitting myself in the face, etc. But I love these kinds of workouts as burners after the holidays or a bad weekend, birthday, etc. I would not want to work out like that every day - but that's ME.

I was going to do the BR NY's Day workout today after my Core Class, but I was wiped (I kicked their butts) so it will have to wait for the weekend. I did want to do a cash out after my class, so I did a Tabata of Kettlebell snatches, another Tabata of handstand jumps, and yet another of one legged burpees.

I am a BR Plus member and I did not get the latest workout before everyone else like we are supposed to, nor did I get the Stretch workouts ahead of time either.

What did you guys think of the stretching that Lisa provided us with? Her body looks amazing!
I am assuming the workouts start again on Monday?
I wasn't a fan of her form on the pigeon stretch - I would adjust her front knee and foot, and in child's pose your feet should be together not apart as it is not good on the knees.

Regardless, I think this was a nice thing for Lisa and BR to do for us, and it is a great video to have on hand for after your workouts. Stretching feels SO good, and if it doesn't, it usually means you need it.

On another note:
I read this about working out (6 hard truths about exercising that no one wants to hear) and wanted to share with you guys:

I found it to be pretty interesting. I actually like to workout so some of it doesn't apply to me, thankfully. But dieting is a whole other ball game. I'm lucky that I can eat whatever I want, when I want in any quantity I want without putting on a pound! BUT it doesn't mean I look good OR feel good - at all. But it's also a curse. Trying to watch what you eat knowing you don't really have to is a struggle in itself to be disciplined. I want to be healthier, want more visible muscles and want to feel not only good but GREAT!
I am still sticking with the no sugar rule, and it's new rule forever. I want this to be a lifestyle change, not a fad. :) I have to admit, it is a real struggle for me, but I will keep at it. 90% compliant goal each week.
Here's another good read for you on omitting sugar from your diet:

If you need help with your New Years Resolutions, give my eBook a try! It's only 99 cents. :)

Did any of you see what Freddy posted on his FB page? Pretty thought provoking. I actually like it when he writes stuff like this. What did you guys think?

Stop for a second. I want you to muster up as much love, understanding and compassion as you can. There is someone very deserving of this that I want to introduce you to. If you are a spiritual person, imagine what it would be like to see this person through the eyes of Jesus, or the Buda or whomever you hold to be your spiritual avatar. Imagine that kind of loving compassion.
The person I want you to meet is YOU in this moment. Not the past you that might be harbouring regrets or the future you that you might be anxious or worried about, but the YOU that is reading these words right now. Apply all of the compassion to the way you view yourself in this moment.
Life is not easy. There is no manual. We get lonely, lost and sad sometimes. Time goes so quickly. We lose the people and things that we love. We mis-step and make mistakes. Sometimes we may f*ck up so badly that we deeply hurt ourselves and others. But you know what? It's a new year. It's a fresh start. We may have had our hearts broken and hopes dashed but let's genuinely love ourselves and give ourselves the gift of a clean slate.
You may have to practice forgiving yourself. You may have to work at releasing whatever personal anger, guilt or shame is corroding your heart. There is no shut off valve for these types of feelings, but when you take a minute and give yourself the perspective that comes from stepping back in self-awareness and looking at yourself you should see someone that is worthy of love and support. Give yourself a hug. See how far you have come and how you have endured. Know in this moment that you matter. Be your own source of comfort and resolve to move forward in this life wiser and with a greater capacity for kindness.
It's not enough just to aspire to be lean or fit or beautiful if the love and acceptance we all seek doesn't start in the centre of your own chest.
Let's give ourselves some props and smash out today's workout together. We love you guys. Thanks for making it this far with us.


  1. Yeah I liked it too. Very deep. I always like his motivational stuff. Either he gets help w these or he's a truly beautiful person. I don't know how many times I've just been having a rough time or just feeling negative and read something from him and just everything I was feeling changed. I'm always moved by there motivational stuff

    1. I also didn't renew my Zuzka member's for the same reason its not that I don't like her new workouts its just there a little boring I feel like I've already done them

    2. Oh - you didn't renew? Will you when she starts doing new stuff again?

    3. Yes I will or I believe if she's following g her old videos after the lifted butt was the six pack abs. I'll renew when she's redoing those. I'm really bummed were not seeing hiit max week 11 yet . I hope we at least get to see it earlier then YouTube. I was like what when I got a YouTube notification before an email notification. I used to be the same kinda excited for zuzkas workouts and I just haven't been lately. Idk I don't have a life I'm a mom of 3 and stay at mom wife I hang out w my kids all day ( which I love) and look forward to my daily workouts. Its one of the reasons I like Lisa Marie so much she happy every video excited she like you yeah you come on let's do this thing. My Lil bro was home from the marines for holiday and he kept teasi g me because when I exercise I'm loud and I always talk back to Lisa. I actually didn't realize I was that loud

    4. LOL that you talk to Lisa! Too funny. I am bummed we are not getting anything from BR Plus yet either. What are customers paying for right now? I work a little bit, but stay home with my 2 kiddos and my workouts are ME time and my savings grace to my sanity!
      I do like those little positive posts by Freddy - they are far better than the pics of all the crap he is always eating on his cheat days. :)

  2. I was pleased that Zuzka post a yoga workout for the first of January. After the NYE party, I wasn't in a good shape to do BR fit test that is twice longer than their usual workouts. I am sure that a lot of people get discourage with the fit test. Today I did Guns and Pistols #6, the last one from the series. I am satisfied with my Zgym membership and I do not feel like she ré-do the old workouts, the one she did again like the Zwow's are much harder than the first one. I can't wait for the new stuff she will Providence us in 2015! Happy new year!

    1. Ah, good point about being in no condition to do a hard core workout on NY's Day. I think her Zwow's are harder now too, but I just wish she would come up with something new as well.
