Thursday, January 8, 2015

BodyCrush #11 by Zuzka, HIIT Max Day 55, The Top 100 Most Influential Fitness People of the Year

Bodycrush #11 by Zuzka was SUPER intense! All body weight exercises in this workout and looks like it would be a great sweat. She looks like a crazy woman in this video with those split jumps - lol. This is a great power workout for the legs. I think jumping can often be overdone, but I like the way Zuzka works it here as true power rather than lets just jump out brains out to sweat.
Though if you have bad knees some of this might not be for you. I actually think it would be a turn off for those who have bad knees. I hope you guys are not turned off by it and still do the workout with a lower intensity variations. I'd love to know for those of you who do have bad knees if you modify or just skip the workout. Anyone who has bad knees - do you pay for ZGym or opt out because it is too plyometric most of the time?

Somebody on FB put a link to a video of a naked Zuzka asking if it was a younger her. Yikes. From the looks of the video it was before her implants and workout days and you know what? She had an amazing body then too. One lucky woman aesthetically for sure. I'm not going to re-post the link here and she will probably take it off of her FB page, but my point being she is genetically blessed in ways most of us can only dream about! Not blessed having gone through the past that she has, but at least she walked away from it all, turned her life around and still has one of the best bodies in the world.

What did you guys think of Z's Twitter chat? I actually went to the link and there were very few questions and no responses from Zuzka. If anyone can see it differently, let me know. I've been having some computer troubles, so I'm not sure if it is me or if something went wrong with the Tweets? She did post there that she has a flourless bread recipe coming to her web-site tonight.
I will look later for this one. I am definitely interested as typically her recipes are so caloric, high in fat and most of them have almond flour in it. Her apple cinnamon muffin recipe from the other day had almond flour in it yet again.

Tomorrow Zuzka has her Kettlebell workout for beginners. I typically like these as well as they are basic enough to make them harder with added weight or reps. We shall see tomorrow.

Day 56 of HIIT Max is here and I LOVE this one too. All weights based - 8x8 is A LOT and you will get fatigued, so probably have to lighten your weights as you go throughout the workout. You could always do 4 rounds instead of 8 and try to keep the weights heavy throughout. Some of you might get more out if it that way.
I am bummed Lisa does not do this one real time, but I guess that would be a really long video and would probably be a b*tch to record and upload. She does go through a sample of each exercise.
A very good routine - full body, great compound exercises, push, pull, legs, core, and good sequencing. I would probably sub the push ups or tri dips for another leg exercise.
Lots of equipment in this one, but almost all of it can be done with Kettlebells or a Sandbag or dumbbells. This one is not a typical short HIIT routine. I do like it when BR goes out of its usual format sometimes.
For those of you that do the 8x8 routine I would love to hear about it! I'm teaching tomorrow and will not have enough energy to do this workout when I am done. I tried the '12 KB exercises you wish you could do' this morning from my previous post ( and it ROCKED. I love hard stuff like that. One of the best things I ever did in my fitness journey thus far was learn how to exercise with KB's from a professional. Yoga is the other best thing. :)

Did you guys see this? Here is an article on the Top 100 fitness people of the year:
No BR, and No Zuzka - and I am surprised. Of course Bret Contreras was on there though! He's my favorite. After looking through the list I had only heard of about 70%. The other 30% I had no idea who they were. :)
Many of the women on there are weight lifting - non-cardio girls. There are some yogis on there too as well as doctors, nutritionists, trainers and more.
Happy reading. It is pretty interesting.


  1. Zuzka twitter chat is today at 10 (her time). Usually she gets the question once she's online. I post mine earlier but will probably received an answer today.

    The 8x8 workout is the only one I'm motivate to do. I don't like that with BR the mantra is 'go hard' 'push it', 'no excuses' etc.... for me I push in my workouts if I have fun. Without fun, I am not motivate. BR should include more fun in their workouts!

    1. The 8x8 workout was really fun - I did it this morning, and I sweat so much more than I had during other workouts. I guess there's something to this strength stuff ;)

      But I agree, when this workout was posted, I was super excited to do it this morning. Some mornings I'm not as motivated (although I still work out) but this morning, I absolutely did not want to miss out on this. I would love it if more of their workouts were like this - that will be the next question I ask Lisa.

    2. I love these kinds of workouts. Makes me feel like my muscles really worked as opposed to just my heart rate getting worked.

  2. This is her response: right now I'm focusing on #PowerYoga in the #ZGYM, but keep checking in.... you never know what I'll do next ;) #AskZuzka

    1. I thought her Twitter chat was yesterday, not today! Silly me.
