Sunday, December 21, 2014

FitNut of the Week - December 21st and WHY Diet and Workout Programs Don't Always Work

FitNUt you ask? Yes, Fitness and Nutrition for the week! 

For the Week Of December 21st

Sorry - no video this week. I was working on one and my phone kept dying on me. ARGH. Due to time constraints of my travel I didn't have to time to get it all squared away. My phone was full of too many pics and videos of my kiddos Christmas parties, LOL. 
But - I still have a great workout for you this week! 

I did this at one of my training sessions for the gym I work at, and I liked the intensity. Not an everyday kind of workout for me, but great for a holiday.
The 12 Days of Christmas Workout

There are 12 exercises:

1. Tuck Jumps
2. Skater Hops (or Curtsy lunge hops - same thing - each side is one rep)
3. Ab scissors legs (left/right counts as one rep)
4. Ab bicycles (left/right counts as one rep)
5. Burpees (no push-up)
6. Reverse Flies
7. Kettlebell Swings
8. Bicep Curls
9. Squat into and overhead press
10. Lateral Raises
11. Jumping Lunges 
12. Plyo Push-ups

The first round you perform one tuck jump
Round 2, 2 tuck jumps, 2 skater hops
Round 3, 3 tuck jumps, 3 skater hops, 3 scissors
Round 4, 4 tuck jumps, 4 skater hops, 4 scissors, 4 bicycles
Round 5, 5 tuck jumps, 5 skater hops, 5 scissors, 5 bicycles, 5 burpees
And so on until you get to Round 12 where you perform 12 reps of each exercise ending with 12 reps of the plyo push ups.
Give it a go and let me know how you did.

RECIPE OF THE WEEK for everyone
Candy cane hot cocoa
2 cups milk of your choice
1 cup water
3 TBSPs unsweetened cocoa powder
3 packets of Stevia 
1/4 tsp of peppermint extract 
put it all into a bot and when it just starts to come to a boil, take it off the heat, stir until the cocoa is completely mixed in, and then serve! 

EQUIPMENT OF THE WEEK: Body weight. Since I will be traveling I'm using mostly my body weight as well as some resistance bands.

Creatine - I have been reading more and more about this supplement, that it can aid in muscle recovery and muscle building - it can especially be a great supplement for women if they are hard core workout people. It won't do much for the infrequent exerciser.
You want to make sure you get a reliable one that is not filled with chemicals and artificial ingredients.

I found this article online and thought many of you would be interested in reading it.
It's about why diets and workouts programs don't always work and what to do about it. It has more to do with your mindset than anything else including willpower. Zuzka and Lisa have both cracked the code as to what works for their bodies. Now if we could all be that lucky!

I am traveling as of today, so Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or whatever else you celebrate, I hope its FUN!
I won't be online that much so try not to miss me. Ha, ha.
I will try and get a couple of posts in if I can, otherwise Enjoy all. I'll be back in a week.