Sunday, November 30, 2014

Girls Gone Strong, ZGym's Schedule for the Week, What does Zuzka use for Protein Powder? BR - what's next?!

Has anyone ever heard of Girls Gone Strong? It was founded by a group of hardcore weight lifting women, and now it is run by just 2 or 3, and they kick a*s!

If you are interested in learning how to lift and lift heavy, they have a special offer right now:

No this is not an affiliate link, but thought some of you might be interested. They've got some cool videos, tips, and info on their web-site and FB page. One of the original founders was Marianne Kane. Some of you might be familiar with her because of her post (which I believe has since been taken down) " Swing This For Tight Buns." It was a dig against Zuzka back in the day and this got a lot of attention. Marianne has backed off from strength training due to an injury, has gotten married, moved to Saudi Arabia and now does posts an alleviating pain, and she also does religious posts. She's done a 180, but she is super interesting and her old workouts online are hardcore!

Zuzka posted her schedule for this week. Looks like they are again repeats of older workouts re-filmed except there is an advanced KB workout - I think that is new. I am SO looking forward to that one. Tomorrow looks like we have a jump rope routine coming our way.

  • Monday

    JRC #2 (NEW in ZGYM)
  • Tuesday

    CASH #4 X (Beat Your Personal Best in ZGYM)
  • Wednesday

    Guns & Pistols #2 - Beginners (NEW in ZGYM)
  • Thursday

    ZWOW #2 - Improved (New in Workouts)
  • Friday

    Kettlebell Workout Advanced #1 (NEW in ZGYM)
  • Saturday

    Tabata #2 - Lifted Butt Series (New in ZGYM)
  • Sunday

    Power Yoga #4 (ZGYM)

Zuzka got asked about what kind of protein powder she uses. In case you missed it and I'm sure some of you are interested, it is Jay Robb's Whey Protein. It is a good brand and there are hardly any ingredients and no chemical additives. I've used it in the past and it is good. I prefer a Vegan one right now, but that's not to say I wouldn't use his again. Click here for more info on his various protein powders. 

She also posted a VERY interesting recipe for Egg Noodle pasta! It looks like it is high in fat and calories, but low in carbs. But that ratio works for Z. I still nonetheless would like to try this - I'd just have to avoid eating all of it at once!
I'm not so sure I could cut these up to look right, but I'd try. 

Nothing new from BR tonight - yet. I'm SOOOO curious to see what they have for us in December. Lisa certainly deserves a break! Though what do they have for us BR Plus Members this month? 
Lisa did ask on her FB page what we want to see next. Lots of people responded with strength week being their favorite and lots liked the cardio/strength option. I'd love to see more strength come our way too. 


  1. I plan to make this tonight :) Normally I don't go for her recipes because they are so calorically dense. This one seems a bit better though because it's not just super high in fat- there is a significant amount of protein so is more of a complete meal (rather than the ones that are so high in fat, but low in protein...then I have to add protein and make it even higher in cals)

    1. Good point - it is much higher in protein. I wonder if you could do this with more egg whites than whole eggs? Let me know how it turns out!

  2. I was wondering the same!
    WEll, I did it just like her and it's in the oven right now...

  3. It turned out but isn't much like pasta. I didn't clue into this, but it's the same ingredients as oopsie rolls. They are much better in oospie-roll form.

    1. I was wondering if it would turn out like pasta. I'm not sure how you can manipulate that. I've never heard of those- oopsie rolls. I just googled it. Looks like it would be better that way.

  4. They are great. Try making them. You will say to yourself, "How is it possible these turn into a bun!?" I tried this recipe. There isn't any flour in it.
