Friday, September 18, 2015

NEW! Intermediate Workout Is Coming From BR.TV and the Latest From Zuzka

So- finallllllllllly something new from BR that is REAL time and with Lisa. This was posted on Freddy's FB page:

Lisa-Marie BodyRock.TV is back and we are shooting a realtime 30 day intermediate program to follow up the 30 Day Beginner realtime that is launching this week! As always & forever our workouts are FREE.

So not sure when it will go live, but the beginner program starts this week. I am looking forward to the beginner one just to see Edith. I love her! What do you guys think of all this?

Zuzka has had 2 new workouts - the 15 Min Fat Burner and ZWOW #11. These 2 workouts would be good put together making it 25 minutes long. I guess if you add in one of her arm balance workouts, plus a warm up and cool down you could have a 45 min + workout.


  1. Zuzha has 4 new workouts this week not 2 or not 0 (like BR!!). You didn't add the new #2 lifted butt series and the new arm balance

    I can't wait for Edith series. I love her too!

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