Monday, June 15, 2015

Zuzka's Schedule for the Week, Another New Bikini! Lisa's Fashion Haul?! And More Workouts From BR.TV

Zuzka has her latest schedule posted, along with an option for a second workout per day as well as a schedule for beginners:

Monday – Summer Shred #9 X  (New in ZGYM)
Your second workout can be Summer Shred #5 X
Tuesday – Summer Shred #10X (new in ZGYM)
Your second workout can be Summer Shred #6 X
Wednesday – Beginner Strength # 5 (new in ZGYM)
Your second workout can be Body Crush #8
Thursday  –  Summer Shred #9 X (beat your personal best)
Your second workout can be Summer Shred #7 X  (beat your personal best)
Friday –   5 Minute Workout #39 – Cardio & Legs (new in Fitness)
Your second workout can be 5 Minute workout #17
Saturday – Summer Shred # 10X (Beat your personal best)
Your second workout can be Summer Shred #8 X
Sunday – Postural Therapy – Performance & Prevention (New in ZGYM)
Your second workout can be Power Yoga #8
Workout Schedule for Beginners 
Your goal is to push yourself little more each time you repeat a workout.
Tuesday – Beginner Cardio #6
Wednesday – Beginner Strength #5
Thursday  –  Beginner Cardio #5
Friday – Beginner Strength #5
Saturday – Beginner Cardio #6
Sunday – Power Yoga #8 + Postural Therapy – Performance & Prevention (New in ZGYM)
I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.
Z's Summer Shred was posted with yet another new bikini! 
Lisa posted this on her FB page which I find ODD. The sharing of coffee talks and fashion haul terminology between BR and Zuzka I find to be weird.
Anyone else think it is a bit weird? 
Anyways, what are you guys thinking of the start of week 3 of BR's latest challenge? Today we have Sean, tomorrow Lisa and Kristin on Wed. I have not been liking Kristin's workouts very much, but I actually DO like her. She is good on camera and has a perky personality - IMO.
I know there has been a lot of complaints over BR's new web-site and people are not liking that they post SOOOOOO much non-fitness stuff on their FB page. I think they post plenty of fitness and nutrition stuff, but they definitely have another angle of pop culture and sex. What do you guys think? I think it is what it is - it's not good or bad. You don't have to read the non-fitness related stuff if you don't want to, but I can also understand that some folks want BR to simply stick with the basics. 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy all there posts. The ones I think are inappropriate I just don't read. I actually wish Zuzka and Lisa would do fashion hauls. Day 15 won't download for me
