Friday, August 9, 2013

Zropes, Provocative Yoga, Lorna Jane and or DailyHIIT?

Zuzana now has her ZRopes available. She is selling yet another service. She is in fact coming across as a bit money hungry these days. Every video of her she promotes something she is selling. I think she should also promote some free stuff as this is what she used to do, what we're used to, and what made her famous in the first place.
I was going to order her ZGym and try it out for a month, but I've read online that people are having some trouble with the ordering and with their credit cards. One potential customer asked that Paypal be an option, and I agree. That would make me feel much safer. I know people had the same problem when ordering her DVD's and some people received them and they did not work. I'm sure this will all be sorted out, but in today's day and age I'm surprised there are problems to begin with.
I wish she would make a new yoga DVD - better yet, a yoga workout you could download and use on your phone! If yoga workouts were part of her ZGym, I'd be in already.
Her ZRopes comes with 6 workouts and a 5 day pass to her ZGym. I am going to start there! Keep you posted.
Another thing that surprised me is that Zuzka is promoting Lorna Jane. I am curious to see where that relationship will go. I thought for sure she would go with Lululemon now that is not. She mentioned that Lorna Jane is her favorite, and I've seen her where much more Lulu items in the past.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a business move. :) is having a Provocative yoga now once a week? I love Teshia, but again, wish she would do a yoga workout - more than just stretching. I was just noticing what a super long torso she has. I am a yoga teacher myself and notice that students who have long torsos are much more naturally flexible than others. She is also double jointed in her elbows and knees. She is clearly a natural at yoga. And she is Bikram trained, not power yoga as far as I can tell.
What is going on with Is it coming back? No more Dailyhiit? Or will there be both? I have not been able to sort that out yet. As if it wasn't confusing enough! There used to just be links on bodyrock to dailyhiit, now it looks like they are updating both sites? I guess we have to stay tuned.


  1. What is the difference between daily hit and BR?

    As I have said before, I support paying for Zuz's workouts but I agree that it is becoming a bit much. I think if she had a team which helped her market herself better, it may come across as less tacky. After all, the best marketing is when we don't even realize it's happening....when we realize it's happening it becomes too 'in your face' and is annoying.

    1. I'm trying to figure out the difference between and myself! But they are 2 separate web pages....

  2. I had thought at one point maybe they were changing their name to the daily hitt to start fresh, but it doesn't seem to be what they are doing.
