Sunday, September 7, 2014

Zuzka says we can all have six packs, no new Zgym workouts, & the weighted vest

Did you guys see Zuzka's post on FB that six packs abs are rare because most people don't have the personality to be consistent with their diet and exercises? Good Lord Zuzka - cut it out with the uppity attitude these days! 
While there may be some truth to that statement, it drives me crazy that she thinks if everyone eats like she does and works out like she does they can look like her. Not true! She is a genetic freak and as a professional in the fitness field she should know better. 
She says we use our genetics too much as an excuse - which again there is a lot of truth in that statement, but genetics play a very large and very significant role in the way we look. 
Zuzka works hard and eats right to look the way she does no doubt, but genetics are certainly on her side. She comes across to me that she think she's better than everyone else because she has the personality to be so disciplined. 
I'm not liking that side of her.

Lisa on the other hand may have major self-esteem issues, and body dysmorphic issues, but she certainly comes across as very kind. Her challenge starts a week from Monday.

Okay zuzka , I challenge you to put on less than 15 pounds when you're pregnant because I did. What an ignorant statement on my part, correct?
Now I know the fact that I ate very well, and exercised when I was pregnant played a large role, I also know my genetics played the largest role.
My second pregnancy I only put on 12 pounds. Both my kids were born a week early at 7 1/2 pounds.
My doctors were concerned and did extra ultrasounds because I carried so small. But it's just what my body did, and I know that, and I would never expect anybody else's body to act the same!

This all makes Zuzka come across as arrogant as well as ignorant. IMO!

She has usually posted her weekly schedule by now as well as her work out for Monday, but she has not. I'm not sure what's going on or why it's not posted yet. Off to bed so I have to check it out in the morning. 

I wanted to try out a version of the weighted vest today because I was curious.
I was practicing goblet squats, and the max weight I have was 50 pounds. So I took one of my daughters little backpacks and shoved 10 pounds in it so I could lift 60 pounds instead.
It worked just fine, but it was extraordinarily uncomfortable. 
Perhaps the real thing is more comfortable, but probably not much more. 
We have another little backpack at home that has padded straps I'll try that one next and let you know how I make out. 

I did post my healthy advice for the week and I have a link to the cheaper weighted vest if you are interested. 


  1. Wow! Does she not realize we all carry our body fat differently? Even at my most fit and lean, I did not have a 6 pack on display. My stomach was flat and still is, but I don't and never have had a visible 6 pack. I know a few people like this, as well as people who carry their fat elsewhere on the body.
    It really is ignorant and insulting for her to have that attitude about people. I really don't like her attitude these days.
    As you've said, at least Lisa is encouraging and motivational and doesn't have this I'm-better-than-you arrogance.

    1. I found it a bit insulting too. And there are those of us with visible abs but not 6 packs that are happy that way and don't obsess over every little morsel we eat!

  2. She was wrong to write that. I believe that most people can have a very nice, flat stomach if they work at it (but there are situations, such as stretched skin from pregnancy, that could make even this impossible for some women). But not everyone will have a six pack!

    I am one of the lucky ones like Zuzana. I don't have much fat in my abs and I don't have to work them out to get them like hers (her zwow are enough for me). I would be lying to people though if I said if they eat the way I do, and exercise the way I do, they will have the same abs. Much like Zuzana, I hold more fat in my thighs. So if someone who had really cut legs easily said I was lazy because I don't have their legs, that would be BS because even when my legs are less cut, I can have ripped abs! This goes to show that our bodies are just different.

    1. Good points Lexxie and tx for sharing your own info. I always compare my body to gwenyth Paltrow - not much muscle or fat. I workout three times as hard as zuzka and won't ever have abs like her! I envy your body type. :)

  3. I feel she is being brutally honest with her fans. Not many people have the dedication to follow a strict diet plan. Working out is only a minor detail of being lean. The only excuses are the ones me make. Zuzka is a light, literally of inspiration on you-tube. Let's look at her awesomeness and chose not to be offended by her opinion

    1. I'm not offended by her opinion- and you hit the nail on the head - it is HER opinion - but rather her uppity attitude. In a world where there is so many people with eating disorders that make them obese or anorexic, and being the role model that she is, I think Zuzka should be more careful with how she comes across. But this is just my own opinion. I do think she is a great inspiration in many ways - I just don't want her attitude to ruin it! Food is an addictive drug for many, many people, and Zuzka should take it out on food companies that make this addictive crap, and make people more aware in that sense. It is not always about self control and will power, but knowledge.
