Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Zuzka's guns & pistols #5, Edith's Challenge days 3-5

Zuzka posted her number five workout which is aimed at beginners, but can easily be made harder. More pistol and push up variations which seems to be what these workouts are mostly about.

BR posted Edith's sexy abs and butt challenge days three through five up on YouTube. I really enjoy Edith! 
The workouts were more of the same, some very silly moves, some very great moves, and lots of equipment. Day #5 was my favorite. 
Edith said that she burned 330 something calories in the 12 minute and burnout workout. Curious to know how much she would've burned without wearing the vest. 
I saw a woman on bodyrocks website who used her daughters little backpack as a weighted vest and I think that's a fantastic idea! I have one of those small backpacks as well as two 3 lb weights and that would be perfect- not a ridiculous $90! This woman used books in it. Very smart!
I believe that Lisa's challenge starts this coming Monday. 
I wonder how much they're selling of their new and old equipment for these challenges. 
I did post on their Facebook page a link to the cheaper vest and asked bodyrock why they couldn't find cheaper options for us as well. I suppose because they give us homemade options that they don't feel obligated to find us the least expensive options?

If you want the vest for $20 cheaper, go here:

Someone else commented with all the high knees, jump rope, burpees, etc, they did not want the added weight on their joints. Good point too. I did read somewhere that you should try a weighted vest before purchasing one. I guess it works great for some and others really hate the feel of it. I suppose trying out that backpack idea is a good one, or check the return policy!

1 comment:

  1. Freddy had posted that Lisa's challenge started the 15th. Yet she posted that it started "right after Ediths". Who knows. They also said they would have a new website by August. I think they post confusion on purpose to get people to check back. Every time you click on thier page they sell more ad time. I will do Lisa's challenge (if it is longer) otherwise I don't spend any time there!
