Saturday, July 12, 2014

Zuzka's Workout Challenges and Lisa's Coffee Talk are Making Me a Little Annoyed!!!

Don't get me wrong - I love her challenges. But what makes me angry is that Zuzka promotes her site (that you PAY for now) as a way to get into the best shape of your life - and in many ways she implies - to look like me - and for only 12 minutes a day.

I'm sorry, but this woman did not learn to do handstands, clapping push ups and 44lb weighted pistols in only 12 minutes a day. I do not believe it for a second.

I want her to keep the challenges coming, but WHY can't she be honest about how hard you need to work to make these things happen?

Look at Madonna for instance - she is one jacked and ripped lady - super fit. Remember her from the 80's? Her body changed completely from what it used to look like - completely. But she admittedly runs, weight lifts, practices yoga 2+ hrs a day, etc, etc. She works out A LOT to look like she does.

Now Lisa just did a post on this:

To be the best possible version of yourself does not mean you need to look photoshopped?!?!? Is she KIDDING? BR posts all sorts of photoshopped images - including ones that they take themselves and put on the cover of their 'guides.'
Lisa goes so out of her way to look different that she does naturally so this statement coming from her seems less than sincere on all counts.

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