

Monday, July 11, 2016

Lots of Changes Happening to This Blog!!!

Freddy has threatened legal action against me (YUP, I know, I know) so lots of changes have already started and will continue to take place now through Friday. 
When one door closes, another always opens. :)  

Stay tuned.... 


  1. Wha-at! This is completely ridiculous! I like BR, but I also like your fitness information. I would never have learned so much about my fitness or changed my workout plan without the information and commentators here, who all have an incredible amount of expertise in fitness. Sometimes it can get more into the gossip territory (I could care less what a trainer wears/looks as long as he/she is good at their job), but these are all your OPINIONS that, although I don't necessarily condone, are still things that you are entitled to say. I don't know that much about the legality part, but it does sound like an overreaction; an open and honest face to face conversation (text can somewhat muddy the tone) between all parties involved would be better for both sides to come to an understanding. Just my $0.02.

  2. Please ask them where the advanced bootcamp is! Loll Wasn't it suppose to be launched today?!

  3. I'm not sure he's got any grounds for it. I wouldn't worry too much (another reason to stay away from BR for me!!) and I think he's being shortsighted because you do advertise his website (and it's good publicity for the most part!)and get people to have a look at it. Don't give up!

  4. What? If anyone Zuzka could since you post her workouts but br?! Come on...

  5. Ridiculous. I'm sorry BR, but "haters gonna hate" isn't an impressive enough defense. I hope they have fun throwing away their money.

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  7. Seriously... what a douche. I am speechless, and I guess that you are too, since Freddy is robbing you from your freedom of speech... But you know what is right to do for you, and we (or at least I) will support you no matter what decision you make to change your site!

  8. I find this especially weird in light of you being one of BR's contributing authors a while ago, right? Ugh. Drama like this is exactly why I quit BR years ago and never looked back. Yup, I'm a hater :-)

  9. This is crazy. I loved, when Z left I followed them (even though never was able to relate to any other trainer incl. Lisa, not their problem, but mine), so I was so happy when Z came back, but then I kinda "evolved" with my fitness so I stopped following both, but I love your blog and from time to time I come to see what is new, because BR (both Z and F) was what started my fitness journey and I wanted to know how they are doing. Still love Z (even though I do not train with her anymore nor that I am interested in paying for Z-Gym, but bought her book just to support her), was confused about Lisa (and still am, because I honestly think she could do much better on her own, or - based on the latest "revelations" if she maybe started something of her own with Jackie maybe??? just an idea). But as for F - as loyal of a fan as I was - this dude turned into a big crybaby right after him and Z broke up. Sorry about what he is doing to you right now :(

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